Scout to Eagle

When a boy joins Troop 718, he enters as a Scout and begins a journey that may culminate to Eagle Scout, the highest Advancement award a Boy Scout can earn.  Not all Scouts attain the coveted Eagle Scout Rank.  Troop 718 encourages boys to stay in and enjoy the experiences of Scouting no matter what rank level they achieve.

Troop 718 offers a rich variety of experiences during meetings and outings to assist Scouts in their advancement.  Just by participating, the Scout gains knowledge and skills (as defined by the Boy Scout Program) to help him grow in character, confidence, and responsibility.  He advances in rank by fulfilling the Program in stages.  Regular and active participation is necessary for Scouts to stay informed, advance in rank, build friendships, and get the most out of Scouting.

The Path from Scout to Eagle is:

Trail to First Class: The Scout is new to Scouting.  Trail to First Class is a Scoutmaster led program that transitions new scouts into the fold by moving them through Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class requirements.  The emphasis is on life skills and knowledge.  Although not required, Scouts are able to earn Merit Badges during Trail to First Class.

Star and Life Scouts: The Scout has held a Patrol or Troop leadership position.  The emphasis is on additional Patrol & Troop leadership, training younger Scouts, community service, and exploration of interests through Merit Badge work.  The Scout is now required to earn at least six Merit badges to achieve Star Scout and five additional Merit Badges to achieve Life Scout.

Eagle Scout:  The Scout has held a Troop leadership position.   The emphasis is on managerial skills-in-action, involving Troop and non-Troop workers.  To earn Eagle, a Scout must plan, organize, manage, and implement all facets of a major service project.  Additionally, a total of 21 Merit Badges must be earned during the Scout’s tenure.