Merit Badge Process

To see all Merit Badge selections, click on the menu selection under this header.  To see a list of requirements for a certain badge, click on the “name” of the badge.  To download a workbook, click on PDF or DOCX.  It is recommend that scouts download and type within the workbook to preserve their work until they are ready to meet with the counselor.

The Merit Badge process is typically initiated by the Scout.  Some badge activities are “Troop initiated”, and the Blue Card is automatically opened for the Scout. 

Troop 718 Merit Badge Process

  • The Scout requests a Blue Card from the Merit Badge Coordinator. The Blue Card is the document of record.
  • The Scout is assigned a Merit Badge Counselor, an adult volunteer knowledgeable in the Merit Badge topic.  (The Counselor may or may not be a Troop 718 parent).  Before completing too much work, the Scout should contact the Counselor, as a courtesy, and to learn if there are specific instructions or advice the Counselor has for him. 
  • While studying for the badge, the Scout is expected to use the Merit badge booklet or worksheet.
  • When he is ready, the Scout must demonstrate the required skills or knowledge to the Counselor.  If the Scout and Counselor need to meet multiple times, the Blue Card must be presented at each meeting.   (Youth Protection rules always apply).
  • The Counselor signs the Blue Card when all requirements have been met. The Counselor retains one part of the tri-piece Blue Card.
  • The Scout gives the remaining two-piece Blue Card to the Merit Badge Coordinator, who logs it for credit.  The Merit Badge patch and Blue Card stub are given to the Scout at the next Court of Honor.  The Scout is to keep the stub in his personal Record Keeping notebook.